'Everyone the best version of themselves and together an effective team, that's what good leadership aims for...and it's fun!'

Joop Drechsel

Business coach


Joop Drechsel has more than 30 years of experience in leadership roles within listed companies, family businesses, private equity and tech startups. He held a variety of roles, including CEO and fund manager, and has worked internationally in Australia, Taiwan and America, among others. In Taiwan, he led an intensive crisis management programme, which strengthened his leadership style.

Joop Drechsel has over 30 years of experience in leadership roles within listed companies, family-owned businesses, private equity and tech startups. He held a variety of roles, such as CEO and fund manager, and has worked internationally in Australia, Taiwan and America, among others. In Taiwan, he led an intensive crisis management programme, which strengthened his leadership style.

His career started at Shell, where he gained in-depth experience in strategy and scenario planning. At KPN and later as CEO of BCD NV, he was involved in M&A and growth strategies. Joop also held many supervisory board positions at companies such as Eneco and De Telegraaf.

As a business coach, he combines strategic insight with empathy. He offers hands-on coaching to leaders and teams, with a focus on growth, results and team dynamics. His background as an elite athlete has influenced his coaching approach: positive motivation and talent development are key.

Because of Joop’s personal experience in Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards, Joop can properly assess and guide managerial responsibility and its challenges. Often, in today’s world, there are major strategic challenges for the company and the leadership team. When coaching, the background in strategy and high-tech can lead to a very practical end result such as a new corporate vision or multi-year strategic plan.

About coach Joop

As a boy of 12, Joop trained in the pool every morning at 06.00 to go for Dutch gold as a competitive swimmer. He combined sporting success with professional ambition and a philosophy of getting the most out of life. After top swimming, he went on to play water polo at national level and represented the Dutch rugby team during his student days. As a coach, he believes in fostering positive motivation, giving people the freedom to creatively come up with solutions and use their talents. He finds coaching teams challenging, with interaction within the team central to success. Joop’s personal experience on Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards helps him properly assess managerial responsibilities and address strategic challenges, resulting in practical outcomes such as new corporate visions or strategic plans.

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Our vision on change

Our coaching always starts with the AEM-cube, a change model based on 20 years of scientific research. The starting point is that every process goes through a growth curve, a wave of change. Every individual has hisĀ or her optimum position and unique talent. Our programs make your position visible and increase your strength.

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